Hulk arrives on planet K'ai carrying Jarella's body after being reduced to microscopic size by Captain Marvel using Gamma Base's Micron-Cannon (last issue). Jarella's world looks different: Dry and dead. Suddenly, the sound of people yelling in horror makes the Hulk look over a cliff. Green-skin men are running for their lives from a massive bat-dragon.
Hulk recognizes them as Jarella's subjects and jumps to their rescue. An impressive battle follows between the sworn protector of planet K'ai and the enormous monster, the first prevailing.

The joy of the men soon turns into sadness as the Hulk shows them the corpse of their former queen, Jarella. He has brought her back to her world for a just burial.

The Pantheon of sorcerers, Torla, Holi, and Moli, cast a spell so the Hulk could understand their language. They reveal K'ai left its orbit after the Hulk accidentally broke the slide that held it (Hulk #203). Vast earthquakes destroyed everything. The micro-world got distant from a star, preventing vegetation growth. Except in an area called the Valley of Life. It's where they bury the dead. Hulk takes Jarella to the valley as he's followed by her people.
Unfortunately, no one can enter the valley. And those who attempt, perish. Human skeletons tied to x-shaped crosses are simple reminders. Hulk ignores the warning and enters the valley, carrying Jarella. Everyone else stays, waiting for the man-monster to return.

The Valley of Life is lovely. Hulk chooses a spot near a waterfall to bury Jarella and starts digging with his hand. Suddenly, he's attacked by moving trees, hovering stones, a flying tiger, a massive dragon, bugs, and small monkeys. Hulk gets rid of his powerful, bothering attackers.

As Hulk is about to resume the burial, an old bearded man with an Infinity Stone on his forehead called the Gardener, sided by menacing looking beasts, claims ownership of the valley and firmly opposes of the Hulk's intrusion.
Meanwhile, on Gamma Base, Betty Ross, Rick Jones, Fred Sloan and Elysius learn about the fate of the Hulk from Captain Marvel and Glenn Talbot, fearing the green goliath's death, or him forever trapped in the microverse.
Also in this story: Doc Samson, Thunderbolt Ross. In flashbacks: Psyklop, Bruce Banner.