Aboard the SHIELD Helicarrier, writer Paul Jenkins is sitting with Lindy Reynolds, bemused by the fact that he’s talking to a person he thought was only a comic book character he had created and nattering on about why he was chosen to bring back the long-forgotten Sentry, when suddenly Lindy collapses—and finds herself within her husband Bob’s subconscious mind. Emma Frost explains that Bob was shocked at the depth of repression of his memories, and while his alter ego the Void is battling the Avengers and other heroes outside, Bob himself has retreated further into his mind. Emma asks for access to a pleasant shared memory that may coax him out of hiding. Lindy offers up a romantic encounter at the beach, the day they fell in love—and suddenly Bob is there. Emma tells Bob it is not his fault. [Outside, Captain America calls a cease fire: the Void monster has stopped moving.] A quick consultation with an old comic book reveals that Sentry’s nemesis was "the General" whom no one now remembers. Emma offers to help Bob recover his memories but they could not restore the world’s memory of him: he would be starting over as a "new" hero. They return to the real world, where Cap and Iron Man offer Bob/Sentry a place in the Avengers, as a second chance, with friends to watch over him. Emma fully unlocks his mind—and he is standing there in his heroic form, costumed and glowing with power: The Sentry! He embraces his wife and it looks like a happy ending. Suddenly a call comes through from Jarvis; the Avengers return to their headquarters to find it has transformed into the Sentry’s long-forgotten watchtower ("Now I know why I got the land so cheap," says Iron Man). The Sentry is home.
Epilogue: Tony Stark meets with the Illuminati and explains the new situation with the Sentry. When asked about the Avengers’ adventure in the Savage Land (issues #4-6), he declines to answer….