The epic begins with Doctor Doom, Dr. Strange, and the Molecule Man standing on Doom’s time platform staring into Beyond. Beyond wants to know “who dares to stand before us?” Doom replies “I.”
In the Ultimate Universe (a/k/a 1610), Reed Richards tells Nick Fury that the multiverse is vanishing away; there are now only two worlds left: theirs and 616. Richards advises Fury that the only way for their world to be the sole survivor is for them to invade and destroy the other. Fury mobilizes all of the war craft to assault their sister-reality. Richards reveals to the Cabal that this is merely a distraction, neither universe will survive but it will hide their real objective from Fury.
In the 616-universe, heroes are taking on the invading forces as Reed and the Fantastic Four of this world are preparing a life raft to ensure that a specially chosen group of survivors will carry on the human race after all the universes are destroyed. Outside, the invaders are taking huge losses from the greater population of super-types in 616; the Avengers, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, and more are holding off the enemy. Our Captain Marvel clobbers the enemy Iron Man; Colossus hurls the Hulk in a fastball special to take out a huge installation, while Spider-Man, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist aid civilians caught in the cross-fire. The Kingpin invites all of his criminal cronies to a final party at a favorite bar—which is crashed by a heavily armed Punisher.
The distraction completed, 1610 Richards orders the launch of a doomsday weapon. 616’s resurrection team is killed by the weapon, Cyclops releases the Phoenix Force and merges with it, becoming something new. The FF launch their life raft with a selected band of heroes aboard as the Earth’s surface breaks up. A blast rips the raft apart and Reed must exert all of his power to save the lives of Sue and the children…but he fails….
Everything goes white….
Title card:
The Marvel Universe, 1961-2015.
The Ultimate Universe, 2000-2015.