a meditation on how Thor’s immortality means he will forget much of what he has
done in his life, we return to Beta Ray Bill telling Thor, the new Herald of
Galactus, to stand aside and allow him to attack the World-Devourer. Thor
refuses and backhands Bill down to the surface of Clypse’s moon. Thor warns
Bill of his increased power as both All-Father and Herald but Bill wants to
free Thor from this madness. Thor turns himself back into the normal God of
Thunder to show him he has chosen this path. Galactus resents this and blasts
Thor from above as a reminder of who is master; Thor strikes back to remind
Galactus that he has volunteered for this. Learning that Thor has promised to
help Galactus drives Beta Ray Bill into a rage and he strikes Thor down,
calling him a traitor to Asgard and unworthy of his hammer. There is a fight
that has Bill grabbing Mjolnir out of the air, and Thor warning Bill he will be
hurt if Thor summons the hammer from his hand; Bill refuses so Thor summons
Bill’s hammer Stormbreaker and shatters it to pieces on Mjolnir. Bill refuses
to yield and Thor prepares to strike him down when a bolt of rainbow flashes
down to the ground and there is Lady Sif, preparing to defend Beta Ray Bill by
fighting Thor….