Comic Browser:


Thor #161: Review

Feb 1969
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Story Name:

Shall a God Prevail?


Thor #161 Synopsis by Marvel Comics
Image from Thor #161
The Wanderers rescue Thor and the Recorder from the void while Ego grabs Galactus with a tentacle of solidified energy. Thor agrees to help the Wanderers and leads them in battle against Galactus, who has freed himself from Ego's tentacles and strikes the Living Planet with comets.

The Wanderers' ship gets caught in the crossfire and is disabled. Thor strikes Galactus with Mjiolnir but Galactus shrugs off the blow and hurls Thor toward Ego's surface. There he finds the Wanderers whom Ego has brought to safety.

Thor joins his strength to his hammer, unleashing a surge of Asgardian energy at Galactus, driving him back to his ship and forcing him to retreat.

With the Wanderers' ship too damaged for space flight, Ego transforms his surface into a paradise, inviting them to make him their new home.


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4 stars

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Jack Kirby
Vince Colletta
Additional Credits
Letterer: Sam Rosen.


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Plus: Recorder from Rigel.