Thunderbolts (2006 series) #129 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
OK, last issue Doc Samson was going to show the President a DVD proving that Norman Osborn reverted to being Green Goblin in #120-121. But then Osborn's secret new Thunderbolts team attacked Air Force One and Green Goblin himself smashed through the wall of the plane.
As the Secret Service squad try to get the Pres to the escape pod Doc Samson goes into full Hulk rage. (Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady) stuck a gamma emitter on his neck last issue.) And Goblin makes out that Doc's an ally before knocking the President and his staff out with a neural scrambler.
Now that there are no witnesses that matter Osborn reveals the attackers are working for *him*. he calls on the Ghost to take Samson intangibly through the floor of the plane and drop him in mid-air. Ant-Man then injects the President with an antidote that wakes him up - in time to see NO defeat the Goblin and throw him from the plane.
Norman gives the Pres an edited account of what happened. He reckons the Goblin's ally the Hulkified Samson could have survived the fall, so the President orders a manhunt for him.
Meanwhile the 'Green Goblin' has a device which enables him to be picked up by the Thunderbolts' plane the Thunderstrike. He calls himself the Headsman. The plane is piloted by Paladin, and Ghost is already on board.
AF1 is in turn piloted by the TBolts' new leader Black Widow (Yelena Belova), who made it seem like the engines were on fire last issue. She brings the craft down for an emergency landing on the Bering glacier. HAMMER agents are 'conveniently' quickly on the scene.
Osborn issues a global warrant for Leonard Samson. No-one mentions the DVD of evidence, which Ghost made off with last issue. The Pres is now pretty much convinced that Norman is a shining example of the Thunderbolts program to turn ex-villains into heroes.
Epilogue 1:- Songbird listens to 2 homeless guys discussing the news. She vows to bring Osborn down.
Epilogue 2:- The Thunderbolts return to their new HQ in the deserted Cube prison. They think it went well but BW thinks they were sloppy. She already has their next mission lined up - Deadpool is expected to attack Osborn in Avengers Tower.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Headsman, Paladin.