Hulk arrives in Japan after a brief altercate with a fisherman’s boat, and seeks shelter on mount Kuroishi, an extinct volcano. He finds food next to a small Buda statue. He sympathizes with it because it is green, like himself.
Glenn Talbot finds the Hulk and unleashes the War Wagon’s arsenal against him. After a long struggle, Hulk damages the battle-cruiser with a bath of lava, causing the ship to fall to the ground. Glenn Talbot dies in the crash.
Lava purses from the volcano, threatening a sacred Buda shrine. That is the location of a monsters film called “Dragon Over Tokyo!”, produced by two annoying brothers (referred to as Yin and Yan), and directed by a samurai called Sanshiro Sugata. Sugata feels dishonored to film in that shrine, but a contract legally binds him to do so.
As Sugata risks his life to save the shrine from the erupting volcano, Hulk saves the day by blocking the lava using a large Buda statue. He then leaps away.
Meanwhile, Rick Jones contacts the Teen Brigade via radio. He is looking for his friends to aid the Hulk.