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Avengers Classic #10

Macon Blair | Juan Doe

Avengers Classic #10 cover

Story Name:



Avengers Classic #10 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4 stars
The main story in this issue reprints Avengers #10 which introduced Immortus who promised to defeat 1 (or all) of the Avengers for the Masters Of Evil. As part of his scheme he kidnapped Rick Jones into the past and disposed of Captain America by sending to rescue Rick. The new backup story expands on that part of the tale.

Story 2:- Unrung

The story begins with Immortus explaining the above. Rick is in a cell the Tower Of London with a man named Luther who has caught a rat for his final meal before being executed. He offers to share with Rick who politely declines. Luther tells the teen that it's useless trying to escape from the White Tower, but Rick says his friend Captain America will rescue him. And he'll free Luther too, but after long years imprisoned the man is ready to welcome death.

Through the barred window Rick sees Cap appear in the courtyard below. Immortus is there too and promises that if Cap rescues Rick then he will return them both to their proper time. But he also sends a bunch of hulking minions to bar his way. The Star-Spangled Avenger wades through them with his shield and martial arts and soon crashes through the wooden door of Rick's cell. He leads his young friend out but Luther won't follow them.

They locate Immortus and demand to be sent home. The villain says he would oblige but they're not free yet. 1 of his minions holds a crossbow to Rick's head and tells them both to get back in a cell. But Luther has plucked up his courage and followed them. And now he KOs the man with a lighted sconce.

Now Immortus sends the pair back to the future because he's a man of his word (or because Cap has him by the throat). And Luther now revels in his new freedom. He walks out of the prison and brazenly down the street.

Meanwhile as in the main story Cap and Rick emerge in the middle of the battle between the Avengers and the Masters Of Evil. Enchantress decides to cut their losses by casting a spell that takes them back to when Immortus 1st mentally contacted her, and this time she doesn't make the mistake of responding.

The consequences of her choice ripple through time and we see Luther in his cell with the rat. This time he gets hung the next day.

Good (or All)
Plus: Masters of Evil.

> Avengers Classic comic book info and issue index

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Juan Doe
Juan Doe
Juan Doe
Arthur Adams (Cover Penciler)
Arthur Adams (Cover Inker)
June Chung (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Rus Wooton.
Editor: Mark Beazley. Editor-in-chief: Joe Quesada.

Review / Commentaries

Avengers Classic #10 Review by (October 7, 2023)
The main story says Rick Jones is taken to 1760, the year George III came to the English throne and 5 years before the Stamp Act which triggered the Declaration of Independence. But by this time the Tower Of London was no longer a prison and I doubt it was guarded by men with spears.

The new backup relocates the tale to the 17th Century when a Queen is ruling. The intention is presumably Queen Elizabeth I who did last a few years into the Century. In which case the Tower as (partially) a prison with spear-wielding guards would make sense. Her predecessor and sister Mary I reigned in the previous Century. Mary II who co-ruled with her husband William III at the end of the Century doesn't fit the description of the place as Her Majesty's Fortress. And Anne who did rule alone is in the following Century. (And for those later rulers I think the place had already stopped holding prisoners.)

In the backup a 17th Century English soldier refers to Captain America as wearing the colours of their enemy the French. But the French only adopted red, white & blue for their flag after their Revolution in 1792. So this comment doesn't fit with the Elizabethan period (or even with 1760).

When it was used as a prison the Tower it was only for high-ranking prisoners immured for political reasons. As such they were well-accomodated and well-fed. Possibly because those who ordered them incarcerated knew that another turn of the wheel of fate could see *themselves* in there. So Luther, whoever he was, wouldn't have been dishevelled and dining on rat as his last meal. And he would have his head chopped off rather than be hanged.

The title 'Unrung' comes from the saying that you can't unring a bell once you've rung it. Of course this story shows that with time travel or Asgardian magic you *can* unring the bell. And the tale appropriately begins and ends with the (same) tolling of a bell.


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