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Avengers Classic #11

Tom Beland | Kano

Avengers Classic #11 cover

Story Name:



Avengers Classic #11 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4 stars
The main story in this issue reprints Avengers #11 where Kang sent a robot Spider-Man against the Avengers and the real deal helped them defeat it.

Story 2:- Along came a spider

Spider-Man is fighting Electro on a rooftop when he sprains his ankle. Captain America intervenes with his shield and a water tower full of water. And then the heroes talk.

Cap correctly deduces the facts of Spidey's life. He's a teenage misfit living at home. He's fully masked to protect his identity for his family's sake, so he's a man of honour. The mask also allows him to act and speak unlike his civilian id. He uses humour to rattle his opponents. He's a science nerd who made his own web-shooters and web fluid. He's a good fighter but relies too much on speed - the impatience of youth. Spidey counters that Cap was probably a rich kid whose parents were shot in an alley (Batman anybody?). Or maybe he's here to earn the Daily Bugle's reward for his capture. Cap says if that were true Spidey would be caught already.

Verbal sparring over they settle down for a real chat. Spidey admits to hero-worship, and Cap admits he's been getting a lot of that. It's just 1 of the many things he's had to get used to after decades frozen in ice. Spidey counters that the US was only able to go through these changes because Cap helped defeat the Nazis. Cap tells him he assumes he's not the villain some paint him and asks for Spidey's side of things. SM says he just wanted to fight crime like him. Cap replies that he's a soldier not a crime-fighter, but his current assignment is on home soil. He volunteered to become CA, but he guesses SM didn't ask for his powers. He compares Spidey and Johnny Storm to new recruits in WWII, not fully realising that some of them would get killed. Spidey says he lost someone close to him early in his career (Uncle Ben of course) so he knows the risks.

Cap's last question is whether he's doing it all to protect the public or impress some girl in High School? Spidey says he'd have to do a lot more than this to get any girl in school to look at him. Cap says he believes him and they shake hands. Cap also says that he'll have Spidey's back whenever he needs it. But if he breaks this trust then he'll take him down. Spidey celebrates by shouting defiance at J Jonah Jameson and the Bugle. He says he fails more often than he succeeds. Cap says it's not easy when you're starting out. Spidey says his dumbest move was to get paid for a TV appearance with a cheque made out to Spider-Man (way back in Amazing Fantasy #15), which gets a smile out of Cap. Who shares that Iron Man has roller skates in his boots.

Spidey webs 2 hot dogs from a stall and then sends payment down with another webline. As they eat he asks how come we can hear what Wasp says at bug-size. Cap says it's an Avengers secret, so Spidey resigns himself to never finding out. Cap asks why he doesn't think he's Avengers material and Spidey laughs it off, but Cap tells him not to rule it out. (And of course SM will have several stints on the team.)

Then really big Giant-Man peers over the parapet of the roof to call Cap to action because the Enchantress has returned and hypnotised Hulk into thinking the Avengers are his enemies. He's just hit Thor with a bus. SM offers to help but Cap says she's too dangerous and Giant-Man says they can talk later about possible membership. Spidey responds by wondering why GM's voice isn't deafening when he's *this* big, but GM has already shrunk down to a more typical Giant-Man size. So Peter Parker contents himself with watching the battle and urging Iron Man to use the roller skates.

Good (or All)

> Avengers Classic comic book info and issue index

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Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Javier Rodríguez
Art Adams (Cover Penciler)
Art Adams (Cover Inker)
June Chung (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Rus Wooton.
Editor: Mark Beazley. Editor-in-chief: Joe Quesada.

Review / Commentaries

Avengers Classic #11 Review by (October 28, 2023)
The Marvel Chronology Project has the backup tale soon after The Avengers met Spider-Man in Av#11. In particular it's immediately after for Giant-Man, and for Captain America and Spider-Man only another retro-tale in Amazing SM Annual #37 intervenes where Cap thanks him for his help in Av#11.

Iron Man and Thor (and probably Wasp) are behind the scenes here in their fight with Enchantress. Thor's last app was also Av#11 while Iron Man wasn't in that issue because he was away fighting Mandarin (and then the Phantom) in Tales Of Suspense #60-62. Enchantress and Hulk are BTS following Hulk Smash Avengers #1 set just before Av#11 where Enchantress appeared with the rest of the Masters Of Evil. She didn't 'enchant' Hulk then so the MCP figures she's here solo for revenge.

Spidey continues in his own series with #21 to take on the Beetle.
Captain America has his own part of TOS#62 before Av#12.
Giant-Man battles Attuma in Tales To Astonish #64 before Av#12.

Electro is here between the gang of Spidey villains in ASM An#1 and the guest-star-fest as Reed and Sue get married in Fantastic Four An#3.


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