Hearing the explosion of Peggy Carter’s car, Captain America rushes back to find that Peggy, thrown clear by the blast, is still breathing. He then quickly takes down the National Force hitmen and turns them over to the police. But the two goons trigger self-destruct mechanisms and are burned to ash in front of the horrified cops. Needing info about the Neo-Nazi organization and unwilling to go to SHIELD, Cap heads to his apartment and dons his old police uniform and seeks out the Commissioner. All he learns is that the police are stymied because the Nazis have some politically powerful backer. Cap then heads to the streets where he menaces a junkie/snitch called Pigsticker, who refers him to the gang boss Morgan. Cap crashes into Morgan’s lair and confronts the crimelord about the villains, demanding to know where to find the Grand Director. Word comes that the National Force is marching on Harlem; as Cap heads to the scene, Morgan calls out his troops to fight off the Nazis with violence….
At his headquarters, the Grand Director begins to express doubts about the rightness of his cause but the hypnotic voice of his mysterious superior (spoiler alert: it’s Dr Faustus) puts those fears to rest….
Cap arrives on the streets in the midst of a riot but finds himself caught between Morgan’s gunmen and the National Force—one of whom is the brainwashed Sharon Carter….