Fourth of July: with Captain America having revealed his face on live television, Secretary Dahl pronounces him compromised and useless to the American government. Nick Fury defends Cap as a survivor. A call alerts them that Cap is on his way down to see Fury and nothing will stop him. Cap easily bypasses the guards and enters the security room. He confronts Fury and Dahl about the CATtags found on the terrorists—identical to the one Fury tired to give Cap before the Centerville mission. Over Dahl’s protests, Fury writes the info Cap is looking for on a piece of paper and gives it to him. Cap’s destination is Dresden. As he passes a Fourth of July celebration in Riverside Park, he imagines life as a normal citizen and knows he sacrificed it all for his country. Missiles are fired at him and he jumps to safety and finds himself on a bridge, surrounded by enemy troops. Leaping over the side he grasps an American flag below—and is shot by a terrorist with a rocket launcher. Aflame, Cap plummets into the river….