As Ben Urich cleans out his desk, Robbie Robertson tells him that J. Jonah Jameson wasn’t serious when he fired the reporter. But Ben is fed up with the way he has been treated over the years by Jameson and fears the Green Goblin’s threats so plans to depart, never to return. Robbie promises him that he will print Ben’s Goblin story as written so Ben reluctantly returns to his desk….
In federal custody, Sally Floyd is questioned by SHIELD Agent Eric Marshall about the mystery man she met with in Chinatown (last issue). She is remarkably defiant so Reed Richards suggests that Marshall offer her a deal….
Ben Urich is at the Geffen-Meyer Chemical plant, reporting on the battle between the pro-registration forces led by Iron Man, and the anti-reg group headed by Captain America. Ben and his photographer are hard-pressed to avoid the conflict but they are in position when the Thor clone arrives and kills Goliath (Bill Foster). After the battle Tony Stark is interviewed by Ben Urich, explaining that he expects "Thor" to be exonerated. Ben asks about his suspicion that Stark is recruiting villains to enforce the Act in the wake of his visit from the Green Goblin. Stark refuses to answer and walks away. Ben knows he’s on to something….
Story #2The Accused Part Six
Paul Jenkins. Penciler/Inker:
Steve Lieber. Colorist:
June Chung.
Robbie Baldwin, the former
Speedball, is being moved under heavy restraint to another part of the super-prison nicknamed
Fantasy Island, he composes a letter to his mother in his head, still coping with the situation by means of humor: the letter sounds like he is at summer camp. He is brought to a room where
Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic, is waiting. Reed tries to be friendly but Robbie bitterly rejects his overtures. Then Reed invites him to address
Congress, revealing his side of the controversy. Robbie agrees. The next day with his lawyer
She-Hulk, he is escorted by guards past the shouting reporters toward the Capitol entrance. Suddenly a man steps out of the crowd and fires a bullet into Robbie’s abdomen….
Story #3Sleeper Cell Part Four
Paul Jenkins.Penciler:
Lee Weeks. Inker:
Sandu Florea. Colorist:
James Brown.
Atlantean sleeper agent
Joe returns from the
East River and a meeting with jellyfish. As he walks the back alleys he is unaware that he is being watched from above by
Wonder Man. Wondy contacts
SHIELD and the agents tell him not to capture Joe.
Simon follows as Joe enters a warehouse. Looking in through the skylight, Simon sees a dozen Atlanteans with a cache of exotic weapons….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Atlanteans.
Story #4(No title given)
Paul Jenkins. Penciler/Inker:
Jorge Lucas. Colorist:
Jorge Lucas.
A sonnet by pilot
John G. Magee applies to both the
Battle of Britain in
World War 2 and the fights of flying heroes against the forces of