Imbued with Asgardian power, the Wrecker defeats Thor. Observing this in the mystic Crystal of Eternal View, Balder and Sif return to the All-Father to plead Thor's case. Soon after, Loki steals the Crystal to prevent Odin from learning Thor's fate.
The Wrecker robs a bank but Thor recovers and confronts him again, wresting away his crowbar.
In Asgard, Balder and Sif convince Odin to look in the Crystal but, arriving at the Chamber of Visions, they find it gone. Suspecting Loki has taken it to the Norn Forest, Balder asks permission to pursue.
On Earth, the Wrecker regains his crowbar and topples a condemned tenement onto Thor.
Balder and Sif enter the Norn Forest with Balder warning Sif that those who fall to the power of the Norn lose their souls.
Meanwhile, the Wrecker sifts through the tenement rubble and finds Thor, apparently dead.