Comic Book: Incredible Hulk (2009 series)

This new Hulk volume starts off Hulk's 600th issue! It ends in a cataclismic yet tender showdown finale between the strongest father and son there could be.

Data Sheet:
Jul 2009 to Aug 2010

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Bruce Banner)
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner


Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 12

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Incredible Hulk #600
Incredible Hulk #600
3 stars

Incredible Hulk #600

July 2009
"Seeing Red"
Script: Jeph Loeb
Reporter Ben Urich tells about his findings on the secret gamma super soldier program conducted by A.I.M. under the supervision of M.O.D.O.K. and supported by General Thunderbolt Ross, a program that spawned A-Bomb (Rick Jones) and Rulk (the Red Hulk, identity still unknown). [...]
Incredible Hulk #601
Incredible Hulk #601
4 stars

Incredible Hulk #601

August 2009
"Banner's Back"
Script: Greg Pak
Bruce Banner, "cured" from becoming the Hulk (by Rulk in Incredible Hulk #600), reaches New York where Reed Richards and a large group of super heroes are waiting for him. [...]
Incredible Hulk #602
Incredible Hulk #602
3 stars

Incredible Hulk #602

September 2009
Script: Greg Pak
Juggernaut comes looking for revenge. First he attacks Bruce Banner who's unhurt thanks to his force fields, and then goes one-on-one against Skaar, the Son of Hulk. [...]
Incredible Hulk #603
Incredible Hulk #603
3 stars

Incredible Hulk #603

October 2009
"Smash Meets Snikt"
Script: Greg Pak
After smashing Wolverine to the ground, Skaar leaps off to the country side where he meets Daken, Wolverine's son, in a bar. After a short fight, Daken offers Skaar a spot in the Avengers. [...]
Incredible Hulk #604
Incredible Hulk #604
4 stars

Incredible Hulk #604

November 2009
"Quality Time"
Script: Greg Pak
Bruce Banner takes his son Skaar to Gammaworld for a game of football against Korg, Kate Waynesboro and A-Bomb (Rick Jones) with the intention of teaching the boy about teamwork. [...]
Incredible Hulk #605
Incredible Hulk #605
3 stars

Incredible Hulk #605

December 2009
"Banner and Son"
Script: Greg Pak
Bruce Banner and Skaar teleport to New York City where the Fantastic Four are battling the Mole Man and his new monsters from planet Sakaar. The Mole Man asks Skaar to lead his planet monsters and join him in his conquering plans. [...]
Incredible Hulk #606
Incredible Hulk #606
4 stars

Incredible Hulk #606

March 2010
"Father's Day"
Script: Greg Pak
While the people in New York hail Skaar for saving them from the Mole Man and Tyrannus, Uatu the Watcher appears to see Bruce Banner's reaction at discovering his "defunct" wife, Betty Ross, among the crowds. Mr. Fantastic thinks it's a trick, but Banner tech indicates that otherwise. [...]
Incredible Hulk #607
Incredible Hulk #607
4 stars

Incredible Hulk #607

April 2010
"Man With A Plan"
Script: Greg Pak
Henry Pym, the "scientist supreme", Ant-Man, or Giant Man, is the next genius the Intelligencia, conducted by the Leader and MODOK, wants to capture. Pym knows this, and decides to attack them first in their own headquarters. [...]
Incredible Hulk #608
Incredible Hulk #608
3.5 stars

Incredible Hulk #608

May 2010
Script: Greg Pak
Bruce Banner and his group (A-Bomb, Korg, Skaar, Lyra), along with Spider-Man and Wolverine, attack the Intelligencia's Helicarrier. After neutralizing the Red Ghost, and his chimps, Banner approaches Betty Ross. But it is Glenn Talbot who locks her to safely. [...]
Incredible Hulk #609
Incredible Hulk #609
4 stars

Incredible Hulk #609

July 2010
Script: Greg Pak
Bruce Banner is connected to the Intelligencia table (along with the other smartest men, including Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom), made believe to be living in a "perfect" world where he's happily married to Betty Ross. [...]
Incredible Hulk #610
Incredible Hulk #610
5 stars

Incredible Hulk #610

August 2010
Script: Greg Pak
Nearing death, Betty Ross explains Bruce Banner that her father, Thunderbolt Ross (the Red Hulk), allowed the Leader, M.O.D.O.K. and Doc Samson to revive her because they were the only ones who could. But they turned her into a gamma spawned monster, the Red She-Hulk. [...]
Incredible Hulk #611
Incredible Hulk #611
5 stars

Incredible Hulk #611

October 2010
"Sons of Wrath"
Script: Greg Pak
It's the clash Skaar the son of the Incredible Hulk has long been waiting for: Now that his father is back, Skaar absorbs kinetic energy from the ground (Mr. [...]


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