Comic Book: Thor (2020 series)

A new Thor series featuring him as the new All-Father.

Data Sheet:
Jan 2020 to Jun 2023

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.



(Loki Laufeyson)
Thor #1
Thor #1

(Jan 2020)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 35

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Thor #1
5 stars

Thor #1

January 2020
"The Devourer King Part One: The Black Winter"
Script: Donny Cates
Mjolnir, trailing a rainbow, zooms through the Ten Realms announcing a new era of peace under the rule of Thor the All-Father and ends up killing a giant monster battling the Avengers in Manhattan. [...]
Thor #2
4.5 stars

Thor #2

January 2020
"The Devourer King Part Two: Lightning and Hunger"
Script: Donny Cates
Story begins with a meditation: What will you do when the end comes? Most people will look to their gods and heroes to save them but when the gods and heroes face the Black Winter, they will look to their gods to save them…. [...]
Thor #3
4.5 stars

Thor #3

February 2020
"The Devourer King Part Three: Storm War"
Script: Donny Cates
After a meditation on how Thor’s immortality means he will forget much of what he has done in his life, we return to Beta Ray Bill telling Thor, the new Herald of Galactus, to stand aside and allow him to attack the World-Devourer. [...]
Thor #4
4.5 stars

Thor #4

March 2020
"The Devourer King Part Four: The Void"
Script: Donny Cates
Thor faces Beta Ray Bill in battle over Thor’s aid to Galactus when Sif arrives to place Bill under her protection. Thor grows angry and hurls Mjolnir at her; Sif uses the power of Bifrost to transport the hammer to Jotunheim. [...]
Thor #5
4.5 stars

Thor #5

June 2020
"The Devourer King Part Five: Reign"
Script: Donny Cates
All across the realms, they wait for the coming of the Black Winter: Sif, Volstagg, Beta Ray Bill, Loki, wondering what will happen next. A despairing Bill offers hope to Sif that Thor, the new All-Father, will rise to the occasion but there is doubt…. [...]
Thor #6
4 stars

Thor #6

August 2020
"The Devourer King Part Six: Herald of None"
Script: Donny Cates
Thor has been drinking and brooding ever since he returned from facing the Black Winter. Silver Surfer arrives to ask him what happened that has affected him so…. [...]
Thor #7
4.5 stars

Thor #7

September 2020
"Hammerfall: Part One of Two"
Script: Donny Cates
Broxton, Oklahoma: auto repairman Adam Aziz sees something fall from the sky and leave a crater in the Earth. Checking it out, he finds Mjolnir; after a closer look, he makes a phone call…. [...]
Thor #8
4 stars

Thor #8

October 2020
"Hammerfall: Part Two of Two"
Script: Donny Cates
In Broxton Oklahoma, mechanic Adam Aziz has picked up Thor’s hammer and has been turned into an armored hero. Iron Man causes an EMP that knocks out the reporters’ electronic devices and he chases them away. [...]
Thor #9
4 stars

Thor #9

November 2020
"Prey: Part One of Six"
Script: Donny Cates
Back when Odin wanted Thor to learn humility he tethered him to Dr. Donald Blake who could turn into Thor when needed. But where does Don Blake reside when he isn’t Thor? [...]
Thor #10
4 stars

Thor #10

December 2020
"Prey: Part Two of Six"
Script: Donny Cates
An angry and possibly insane Donald Blake is in Asgard, determined to destroy everything Odin has created. First he rips all the pages about Thor from the Book of Kings then ponders activating the Destroyer before selecting Thor’s old axe Jarnbjorn. [...]
Thor #11
4 stars

Thor #11

January 2021
"Prey: Part Three of Six"
Script: Donny Cates
Evil Donald Blake is at a restaurant with Jane Foster, chatting about his “missing years” and his bond with Thor. Jane detects something different about him and he explains it away as Thor being somewhere far off (where he has been trapped by Blake, which Blake is careful not to mention)…. [...]
Thor #12
4.5 stars

Thor #12

February 2021
"Prey: Part Four of Six"
Script: Donny Cates
Insane Evil Donald Blake has gone to kill Throg but he’s not having an easy time of it; the frog version of Thor, backed up by Lockjaw, has smacked Blake back into present-day Earth where he crashes through a biology class where kids are dissecting frogs. [...]
Thor #13
4 stars

Thor #13

March 2021
"Prey: Part Five of Six"
Script: Donny Cates
Odin has abandoned the throne of Asgard and taken to getting drunk over the trauma of losing his wife Freyja. Valkyrie (Jane Foster) has tracked him to an alien bar where she tries to bash sense into his head. [...]
Thor #14
4.5 stars

Thor #14

April 2021
"Prey: Finale"
Script: Donny Cates
Thor has returned, his soul inhabiting the Destroyer armor, to defeat the mad and villainous Donald Blake. After Thor knocks him flat, Blake summons Mjolnir which doesn’t help as Thor pounds him into the ground. [...]
Thor #15
4 stars

Thor #15

July 2021
"Revelations: Part One of Three"
Script: Donny Cates
A celebration is held in Asgard after Thor’s defeat of the renegade Don Blake (last issue) and all are feeling merry, except for Thor himself. [...]
Thor #16
4 stars

Thor #16

August 2021
"Revelations: Part Two of Three"
Script: Donny Cates
Thor is on Earth, telling Jane Foster about his recurring nightmare of being killed by Thanos wielding Mjolnir combined with the Infinity Stones, as foreseen by the Black Winter (issue #6). [...]
Thor #17
4 stars

Thor #17

September 2021
"Revelations: Finale"
Script: Donny Cates
Thor and Odin meet with Freyja and Angela in the forests of Vanaheim but first they must battle a horde of koragants from Muspelheim, brought over during the War of the Realms. [...]
Thor #18
4 stars

Thor #18

October 2021
"Master of Whispers"
Script: Donny Cates
Mjolnir has ben stolen from Avengers Mountain and not even Sif can detect where it has gone; Thor turns to the only one he can trust for help: Loki. But Loki refuses, citing the bad experiences with Donald Blake the last time he helped Thor. [...]
Thor #19
4 stars

Thor #19

November 2021
"God of Hammers Part One of Five"
Script: Donny Cates
A lengthy prologue shows the origin and history of Thor’s hammer Mjolnir. Thor approaches Sif, new Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, asking her if she can see Mjolnir across the realms. But she cannot. [...]
Thor #20
4.5 stars

Thor #20

January 2022
"God of Hammers Part Two of Five"
Script: Donny Cates
The mysterious God of Hammers wreaks death and destruction across the Ten Realms…. Thor gives honorable burials to all who fell in Nidavellir, land of the Dwarves, ending with their great craftsman Eitri who forged Mjolnir. [...]
Thor #21
4 stars

Thor #21

January 2022
"God of Hammers Part Three of Five"
Script: Donny Cates
Amid the ruins of Broxton, Oklahoma, a lightning being claiming to be Mjolnir hurls the hammer of that name at Thor, knocking him miles away into a lake and holding him down. Thor calls down lightning and evaporates the lake to prevent his drowning. [...]
Thor #22
4 stars

Thor #22

February 2022
"God of Hammers Part Four of Five"
Script: Donny Cates
Sensing that Thor is in trouble, Beta Ray Bill sends out a summons to all of Thor’s allies and friends to come to his rescue…. In Broxton, Thor snaps his broken arm back into place and binds it in cloth. [...]
Thor #23
4 stars

Thor #23

March 2022
"God of Hammers Finale"
Script: Donny Cates
A flashback to when Thor had just gained possession of Mjolnir and Odin was training him how to use it, mainly by saying, “Keep your eyes open, boy” as Thor narrowly avoided being hit in the face by his hammer. [...]
Thor #24
4.5 stars

Thor #24

April 2022
"The Second Son of Asgard"
Script: Donny Cates
Odin has died (end of issue #22) and Thor presides over the funeral, recalling his father as an aggravating taskmaster who was always right; whether Thor acknowledged it at the time or not, it made him a better man who would someday be a better king. [...]
Thor #25
4.5 stars

Thor #25

May 2022
"Hulk Vs. Thor: Banner of War Part Two of Five"
Script: Donny Cates
Story continued from HULK VS. THOR: BANNER OF WAR ALPHA. At Avengers Mountain, Iron Man tells the assembled heroes that he has located Hulk at the Black Hand of God, spinning a yarn about his high-tech capabilities for discoveries in space to impress Reed Richards. [...]
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