Story #2Out in the Cold
Mark Gruenwald.Penciler:
Larry Alexander. Inker:
Kathryn Bolinger. Colorist:
Marie Javins.
The amnesiac D-Man, living with the Eskimos since his near-death in issue #349 returns to the ULTIMATUM stronghold where he is taken captive by Flag-Smasher. The anarchic villain contacts the Avengers to demand that Captain America come to get him. Cap being out in space for Operation Galactic Storm, USAgent insists on going to pay back Flag-Smasher; against USAgent’s wishes, Falcon insists on accompanying him. The Agent walks in and the villain, realizing this is not the real Cap, orders him taken out and shot; the hero overpowers his guards and heads back inside for a confrontation with his foe. Meanwhile, Falcon has entered secretly and located D-Man. USAgent’s duel with Flag-Smasher ends with the two hanging from a deadly precipice; the villain refuses help from his enemy and falls to his apparent death while USAgent is rescued by the Falcon.
Flag-Smasher (Karl Morgenthau), ULTIMATUM.
Story #3Crossing Back
Mark Gruenwald.Penciler:
Rik Levins. Inker:
Dan Panosian. Colorist:
Gina Going.
Diamondback, captive of Crossbones, is about to crush his skull with a cinder block while he sleeps and she flashes back to their first meeting. Young Rachel Leighton followed her delinquent brothers Danny and Ricky to a meeting of the gang led by the brutish Brock Rumlow. Wanting to joing the gang too, Rachel goes back later and is caught by Rumlow who rapes (implied) and beats (specified) her. Rachel’s disabled veteran brother Willy goes to shoot Rumlow but the gang leader is faster and kills Willy with a knife. After that Danny ran away and Ricky turned to crime, dying in a holdup gone wrong. And now Rachel has the chance for vengeance—but she decides becoming a murderer is no way to make peace with her past, especially if she wants the respect of Captain America….