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Totally Awesome Hulk #15: Review

Jan 2017
Greg Pak, Mahmud Asrar

Story Name:

Big Apple Showdown: Part 1


Totally Awesome Hulk #15 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

Hulk (Amadeus Cho) is beating up Prince Regent Phalkan of Seknarf Seven but declines to kill him as the villain expects, instead immobilizing him in foam and calling Alpha Flight. Hulk then races off on an important mission, joining Jake Oh, Ms. Marvel, Silk, Shang-Chi, and Jimmy Woo—to put on a show, raising money and awareness for signing up to be a bone marrow donor. Amadeus stops to sign an autograph for a disabled boy. Afterwards, they all head to Koreatown for a meal and while eating notice they are all the children of immigrants, facing the same problems, spoiling their parents’ expectations. Jimmy Woo says he’s proud of them because they have chosen to stick out in order to stick up for others and that’s what makes them heroes. Jimmy and Shang-Chi fight over the check (literally, it’s kung fu versus a stun blaster) and then they all go out for karaoke (“New York! New York!”). On the way home, they joke about Asian stereotypes and how Amadeus can’t hide his feelings and suggest creating an all-Asian team. But then Phalkan of Seknarf Seven invades with his Imperial Guard and the heroes must take action….


Review / Commentaries

4 stars

Totally Awesome Hulk #15 Review by (February 25, 2020)

Review: Oh, that cover! A team of all-Asian heroes with three of them ready for action and the Hulk preening above them looking like he needs a punch in the face. The issue begins with a fight full of comic banter and ends with the prospect of an exciting next issue. In between is a lot of insight into the characters of the Asian-American heroes, joking about parental expectations and stereotypes. A mostly relaxed issue is the calm before the storm.

Comments: Origin of The Protectors as a team though the name isn’t coined until issue #16. Phalkan is from Seknarf Seven, presumably a neighbor to Lady Hellbender of Seknarf Nine. Seknarf” spelled backwards is “Frankes;” I can determine no significance to this fact.

> Totally Awesome Hulk comic book info and issue index


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Mahmud Asrar
Mahmud Asrar
Nolan Woodard
Stonehouse (Cover Penciler)
Stonehouse (Cover Inker)
Stonehouse (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Cory Petit.
Editor: Mark Paniccia.