The Red Skull finds himself in a
conquered Germany where he bitterly fumes against the democracy that
the Americans have brought, resulting in an influx of inferior (to
him) races and nationalities. He sleeps in a dumpster while doing
menial work at a hotel for people he hates. He meets a girl named Eve
but soon realizes she and her family are also hated foreigners,
polluting Germany with the ideals of racial harmony. He determines to
destroy democracy at its root: he goes to work at the hotel and
enters Captain America's suite. Cap uses him as an example of how
anyone, even a lowly staffer, can embrace democracy and believe in
the goodness of all men. The Skull takes out a pistol and guns down
Captain America....
Kang the Conqueror encounters the Red
Skull; he had come to release the Skull from bondage to the Cosmic
Cube but discovers the Skull has effected his own release. And Kang
wonders if he has unleashed the greatest evil the world has ever