In the parallel world that is an apocalyptic wasteland, Captain America, the Black Widow, and the alternate Widow are facing a band of reptile men, led by this world’s Lizard, Curt Connors, wearing Doctor Octopus’ mechanical arms. Cap assures the Lizard that he is a friend, trying to find their way back to their own dimension. Connors explains how all that world’s heroes died in the war between Hydra and the Defiance League. Connors transformed a band of survivors into lizard people to enable them to withstand the hardships of their changed world. In exchange for the use of his workshop so Alt-Widow can repair their damaged transporter, Cap promises to help the Lizard and his people. While she works on the device, Alt-Widow explains how she was hired by a mysterious employer who wants to see Kashmir Vennema pay for her crimes across the multiverse. Just as she completes the repairs to the transporter, the cave is attacked by Vennema’s kill crew—Spider-Woman, Porcupine, Eel, Madcap, and Ulik. Cap wants to fight back but Connors reminds him this is not his fight and the three visitors escape—and end up traveling randomly through various alternate worlds until they return to this one and face Ulik and his gang. Suddenly, the villains are attacked by a new group appearing—Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Venom, Black Knight, and Storm, led by Alt-Widow’s employer: another Kashmir Vennema….