Iron Man (1968 series) #276 synopsis by
T Vernon
Early one morning, Tony Stark is woken in his bed by the Black Widow, asking for help from Iron Man. Tony explains that he is no longer Iron Man due to the debilitating condition of his nervous system and he has but a short time to live. Natasha explains that she needs Tony's brain as well as his armor because they have only 90 minutes to stop the plan of Soviet sleeper agent Oktober and prevent World War III. Reluctantly, Tony gives in to her claims that only Iron Man can save the day and he suits up. He has Widow get into an experimental sub-orbital craft, straps it to his back and takes off for Mount Thunder in the Midwest, NORAD headquarters. Shellhead contacts NORAD for permission to land; they refuse as they are in the middle of a security and weapons drill and if Iron Man appears in the area he will be shot down. This is what Natasha thought would happen so the Armored Avenger fights his way through a barrage of defensive missiles and other weapons. Entering the base, they continue on foot through another gauntlet of gunfire, unaware that if they make it to the Zero Zone, the base will self-destruct. They make it to their goal: the room from which a single person can launch a missile attack on the USSR. As the seconds tick down, Iron Man is able to open the lock and enter. He sees nothing wrong in the room and is then immobilized by the Black Widow, who reveals herself to be Oktober....