Invincible Iron Man (1998 series) #45 synopsis by
T Vernon
Iron Man is at the mercy of Advanced CEO M.O.D.O.K. and his “consultant” Ghost until Jocasta comes back online and he regains full control of his new armor. Ghost reveals himself to be the Mad Bomber, carrying out A.I.M.’s scheme to become the head of the corporate world by destroying all competitors. Iron Man concentrates on bombarding M.O.D.O.K. while trying to rattle Ghost by mocking his supposed ethical stances. He tricks M.O.D.O.K. into a mind blast that accidentally disables Ghost then uses Ghost’s hand to phase into and disable M.O.D.O.K. But Ghost also damages Tony’s heart and escapes; the hero blasts all of the A.I.M. hitmen and passes out after ordering Jocasta to pilot him back to Hogan Potts’ apartment. Rhodey meets him there with something he has discovered….
The next day, Tony Stark addresses Callista Hancock and the ASKEW staff, telling them he is bailing out their company. Hancock is angry at “Hogan Potts’” deception and stalks out. Iron Man confronts Hogan’s co-worker Johnny Morley and unmasks him as the Ghost but this time when Ghost tries to phase his hand into Shellhead’s chest plate, it backfires on him and he is captured. Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan look at the disc Rhodey has uncovered: in it, Trevor Donahue reveals his suspicions that Tiberius Stone had implanted a suggestion in Tony Stark’s mind via his virtual reality gear to abandon his company and liquidate his assets (issues #37-40). Therefore, to defeat Stone one last time, Donahue bequeaths his fortune to Tony who is able to rebuild his company….
Later, Tony shows Rhodey and Pepper and Happy the new Stark Enterprises, formerly Donahue’s building, explaining that he wants to make a difference in the world as Tony Stark, inventor. The one thing he’s missing? He wants his old company, now Stark Fujikawa, back….