Comic Browser: #1 - Looking Forward #2 - Hidden Assets #3 - The Art of the Deal #4 - Trouble in Paradise #5 - Into the Fire #6 - In Deep #7 - Live Kree or Die! 1 of 4: Bad Moon Rising #8 - The hunt #9 - Field of Honor #10 - In the Belly of the Beast #11 - Schedule Conflicts #12 - Spoils of War #13 - A Question of Control #14 - To Challenge the Fantastic #15 - Exploded View #16 - Scale Model #17 - Your Young Men Shall Slay Dragons #18 - Sunset Intrigues (Machinery of War Part 1) #19 - Smart Weapons, Foolish Choices (Machinery of War Part 2) #20 - Cheating Death (Machinery of War Part 3) #21 - Burning Need #22 - The Thrill of the Chase! (Eighth Day Part 2) #23 - Ultimate Danger #24 - Ultimate Fury #25 - Ultimate Devastation #26 - The Mask in the Iron Man #27 - The Mask in the Iron Man Part Two: The Dream Machine #28 - The Mask in the Iron Man Part Three: His Own Worst Enemy #29 - The Mask in the Iron Man Part Three: My Bodyguard #30 - The Mask in the Iron Man Part Four: Blood Brothers #31 - The Sons of Yinsen Part One: This Ol' Heart o' Mine #32 - The Sons of Yinsen Part Two: Gods and Monsters #33 - Power Part One: Heroes #34 - Power Part Two: Villains #35 - Power Part Three: The Land #36 - Danger Deep #37 - Remote Control [Part 1] #38 - Remote Control [Part 2] #39 - Remote Control [Part 3] #40 - Remote Control [Part 4] #41 - Aftermath #42 - The Big Bang Theory #43 - The Big Bang Theory Part 2 #44 - The Big Bang Theory Part 3 #45 - The Big Bang Theory: Conclusion #46 - The Frankenstein Syndrome #47 - The Frankenstein Syndrome Part 2 #48 - The Frankenstein Syndrome Part Three #49 - (No Title Given) #50 - Tin Man #51 - Jane Doe #52 - Jane Doe (Part 2) #53 - Book of the Ten Rings #54 - Book of the Ten Rings: Chapter Two #55 - Book of the Ten Rings: Chapter Three #56 - Sympathy for the Devil: Part One of Three #57 - Sympathy for the Devil: Part Two of Three #58 - Sympathy for the Devil: Part Three of Three #59 - In Shining Iron: Part 1 #60 - In Shining Iron: Part 2 #61 - In Shining Iron: Part 3 #62 - You Can't Always Get... (Part 1) #63 - ...What You Want #64 - Standoff Part Two #65 - Manhunt: Part One #66 - Manhunt: Part Two #67 - Manhunt: Part Three #68 - Manhunt: Part Four #69 - Manhunt: Part Five #70 - Vegas Bleeds Neon Part One #71 - Vegas Bleeds Neon Part Two #72 - Vegas Bleeds Neon Part Three #73 - Acquisition #74 - Logistics #75 - Technology #76 - Advice and Consent #77 - The Best Defense Part 5: Unsuited #78 - The Best Defense Part 6: Confirmation #79 - The Deep End Part One of Four: Meeting Hell #80 - The Deep End Part Two: Magic Bullets #81 - The Deep End [Part Three]: Baptism of Fire! #82 - The Deep End [Part Four]: Force Projection #83 - Heavy Metal Genocide #84 - Turf War part 1: When Worlds Collide! #85 - Turf War part 2: Uninvited Guests #86 - The Singularity part 1 #87 - The Singularity part 2 #88 - The Singularity part 3 #89 - The Singularity part 4
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> Invincible Iron Man comic book info and issue index
Listed in Alphabetical Order.