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Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #626

on-sale: Aug 17, 2011
Kieron Gillen | Doug Braithwaite

Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #626 cover

Story Name:

(No title given)


Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #626 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

Loki and the newly dead Hel-Wolf arrive in Limbo. The monster reminds the God of Mischief that he swore to serve Loki only as long as he lived; now that he has been butchered by the Disir (last issue) he is free to wreak vengeance on Loki. The boy flees the enraged beast until Surtur suddenly appears, snatches up the Hel-Wolf, and pops it into his mouth. Loki steps out of hiding and greets the Fire Demon; he offers to free Surtur from Limbo in exchange for the shadow of the Demon’s sword Twilight. In return he will enable Surtur to invade and destroy Asgard. When Loki swears to this, Surtur angles the blade to create a small shadow which Loki takes with him, hurrying off before the Demon discovers the deception. To escape this realm, Loki and Ikol use the same method Odin used, emerging from the Casket of Odinsleep in Asgard—to the consternation of the dwarf who has just finished repairing it. The youthful trickster hurries to find the one he seeks and persuades it to join his plans. When Odin and Heimdall hear a noise from the armory, they investigate and find it gone….

In Newark, Loki’s allies await impatiently. Tyr builds a funeral pyre for the slain Hel-Wolf; Leah become aware that the Serpent’s earliest war dead have risen up in Hel and seized Hela (in NEW MUTANTS (2009) #29); the Disir bicker with Tyr. They are interrupted by the sight of the Serpent’s Dark Asgard moving through the skies overhead on its way to the confrontation in New York. Loki arrives to show them all what he has brought: the Destroyer….

Good (or All)
Plus: Leah of Hel.

Plus: Disir, Hel-Wolf.

> Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) comic book info and issue index

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Main/1st Story Full Credits

Doug Braithwaite
Doug Braithwaite
Ulises Arreola
Stephanie Hans (Cover Penciler)
Stephanie Hans (Cover Inker)
Stephanie Hans (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Clayton Cowles.

Review / Commentaries

Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #626 Review by (April 15, 2013)
Review: A brilliant series keeps its focus on the sly and entertaining young Loki, one of the most interesting characters to appear in Thor’s titles of late and Kieron Gillen is solely responsible. As he goes about spinning the threads of his devious plot to protect Asgard from The Serpent using the only weapon he has—trickery—this Loki is always a delight to watch. And we find that Thor has a sense of humor as well, albeit very dry. Braithewaite’s art brings the tale to life. This issue’s highlights include Loki’s escape from the Hel-Wolf and his banter with Surtur. Even the Disir and Odin are witty in this issue. And the bit with the Odincasket repairman is a gem.

Comments: FEAR ITSELF tie-in: the arrival of the Serpent’s Dark Asgard in New York takes place in FEAR ITSELF #5. Balder appears only in a prologue that does not connect to the rest of the issue. Surtur was slain and sent to Limbo in THOR (1998) #85; Odin escaped from Limbo in THOR (2009) #618.


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