Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #636 synopsis by
Peter Silvestro
Using the accumulated fear residue which Loki gave him (last issue), Nightmare forges a crown which will grant him absolute power over people’s minds. As Daimon Hellstrom frees the last of the sleepers, Loki proceeds with his plan: he informs the other Fear Lords as to what Nightmare has done. The Fear Lords, coveting the crown for themselves, arrive and try to wrest it from Nightmare; as each wants the prize alone, they are now trapped in an eternal stalemate over the artifact. Problem solved! A dubious Hellstrom takes his leave and Loki reports to the equally dubious All-Mother. They remind Loki of the incident at the malt shop in issue #632. He returns with Leah and has her apologize to the bully; she then makes restitution (she thinks) by hurling herself through the shop window. Everyone is confused—Loki most of all.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: All-Mother (
Freyja, Gaia, Idunn), Leah of Hel.