Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #635 synopsis by
Peter Silvestro
Loki, Leah and Damon Hellstrom enter the dreams of a succession of sleepers plagued by the fear residue in their minds. While Hellstrom battles Nightmare inside their heads, the two youngsters talk the victims back to sanity. When Hellstrom leaves the country to deal with the next sleeper, Loki appeals to Leah to exorcise the massive fear buildup from him. She extricates it—and Loki gives it to Nightmare, startling the villain but sparing the rest of the sleepers. Hellstrom returns and Nightmare leaves for his own dimension. The Son of Satan is outraged that Loki has given the enemy exactly what he wanted; Loki as usual, has a plan….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Leah of Hel.