Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #634 synopsis by
Peter Silvestro
Daimon Hellstrom, the Son of Satan, attacks Loki, believing he is the source of the Fear that is killing people all over the world. Leah steps in to save him and they get the matter sorted out and team up against the threat. To find the source, Loki dreams of dead Thor, the Hel-Wolf, Surtur, and the Disir and there Loki discovers the truth. Residue of fear from the recent war with the Serpent is creating volts in human brains, killing the victims. Nightmare wants to harvest the fear to create a magic crown to increase his powers…and he discovers that a massive amount of fear is building up in Loki’s mind. He and his allies set out to stop Nightmare before the fear kills Loki….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Leah of Hel.