Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #653 synopsis by
Peter Silvestro
Sif and Beta Ray Bill have an awkward reunion while plucking themselves from the wreckage of the two ships that crashed into the Avengers space station. Sif searches for Gaia while Bill tries to find Ti Asha Ra. He enters the alien ship which turns out to be a living organism—one which ejects him bodily. Sif finds the injured lady Korbinite and hurries her into a healing capsule. Bill relates their story: the mystery craft snatched Ti Asha Ra away and Bill pursued until they all crashed. Sif thinks her dead but Bill will not admit it. Bill discovers that Skuttlbutt is also gone and is now even more alone than before. While Sif prepares Ti Asha Ra’s body for her funeral, she suddenly remembers the missing Gaea and rushes to the aline ship. There is Gaea, about to be absorbed into the alien’s enormous maw….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Gaia, Skuttlebutt, Ti Asha Ra.