Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #654 synopsis by
Peter Silvestro
While Beta Ray Bill agonizes over the loss of both his girlfriend Ti Asha Ra and his ship Skuttlebutt, Sif enters the maw of the alien invader to find Gaia healthy and in good spirits. The All-Mother explains that the alien ship is an ark collecting one of each species as it did with Ti Asha Ra and asks Sif to trust her for what may come. Bill meanwhile has found that Ti Asha Ra’s body is alive and houses the mind of Skuttlebutt; he is taken aback. Later, the combo tells Sif there must be a way to separate them alive before Bill comes to like the new arrangement too much. Sif leaves the space station and enters by another portal but is ejected. The alien craft stand revealed as an unholy amalgamation of many species, including Gaea. As the monster attacks Bill and Ti Asha, Sif seeks for a means to rescue them….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Gaia, Skuttlebutt, Ti Asha Ra.