Journey Into Mystery (2011 series) #655 synopsis by
Peter Silvestro
Sif and Beta Ray Bill battle the monstrous form of the All-Mother Gaea on the Avengers space station. The monster seizes Ti Asha Ra and places her in a container with all the other life forms it has collected. Sif and Bill invade the wreckage of Skuttlebutt searching for a solution. They rescue Ti Asha who has puzzled out that the alien entity tried to heal her and Skuttlebutt and is attempting to do the same with the gravely ill Gaea. As the merged spacecrafts head toward Earth, Sif appeals to the entity to realize that living things do not need to be "fixed" but allowed to live according to their own natures. When they crash to the Earth near Asgardia, Gaea, Ti Asha Ra, and Skuttlebutt’s memory circuits are whole again.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Gaia, Skuttlebutt, Ti Asha Ra.