Thor is recovering from his grueling battle with Seidring the Merciless last issue. Assured that his son will recover, Odin proceeds to the Judgment Seat and has the traitor Seidring brought before him; as punishment for attempting to usurp the throne of Asgard, Seidring is given a kingdom to rule—that of the bestial Rock Trolls.
Hercules arrives in Hollywood and is whisked to a movie set where he thrills to the sight of a lavish recreation of Olympus and is introduced to his sexy co-star who will be playing the Amazon Queen. Suddenly he is clobbered by a giant monster but halted before he can retaliate; the film producer Pluto steps forward to greet his new star, explaining the giant was a mechanical prop for an impromptu screen test. Pluto then escorts Herc to a banquet in his honor….
In Asgard, a recovering Thor is gliding in an ice-skimmer across the frozen Sea of Marmora. He and his companion Balder are hunting armored beast-fish with reel-rifles. The Thunder God fires and misses because of his lingering weakness; the enraged beast-fish attack and Balder must fight them off. Thor realizes his need to fully recover his strength if he would challenge Hercules once again….
At the banquet, Hercules enjoys himself with food, drink, and attention of his lovely co-star. In the midst of the festivities, Pluto presents Herc with a contract to sign, a mere formality. Herc balks at the stipulation that he must rule the Netherworld but Pluto quickly explains that it refers only to the plot of the film. Hercules signs—and Pluto has his victory. He reveals himself as the actual Greek Ruler of the Netherworld and the actress as the genuine Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, bitter of Hercules’ rejection of her advances centuries ago. Hercules has just agreed to replace Pluto in his realm for eternity, and the floor open to reveal a spiral staircase heading down to the pits. Herc refuses to go and the villain sets a pair of Titan warriors on him. The Prince of Power starts fighting for his freedom….
In Asgard, Thor has finally recovered his full strength and asks a boon of his father: the opportunity to return to Earth to redeem himself in battle against Hercules. Odin grants permission with a blessing. Thor heads directly to Hollywood where he finds Hercules in the midst of battle with demons of the Netherworld. Enraged at the sight of such an unequal fight, Thor joins in on Herc’s side and together they vanquish their foes. Pluto, watching from the sidelines, departs for Olympus to ask Zeus to enforce the contract. As the two heroes survey the aftermath of the battle, Thor learns that Herc has foolishly signed an Olympian Contract and decides to postpone their own duel as Herc has a more terrible fate awaiting him….