Thor arrives suddenly on the streets of Manhattan, causing a commotion among the crowd; he is rescued by a friendly cab driver who drops him off at Jane Foster’s apartment building. Naturally, Thor neglects to pay the fare….
On glorious Olympus, a celebration of the gods is interrupted by the arrival of Pluto. The sinister deity reveals that he has been released from his imprisonment as ruler of the Netherworld because he has found someone to take his place—Hercules! The Prince of Power, meanwhile, is hurrying to the throne of Zeus to plead his case that he was tricked by Pluto. On the way he fights a Yellow-Crested Titan but on arrival he is halted by a thunderbolt: Zeus knows. His father reveals that there is only one way to escape his fate: find someone willing to risk the Netherword to save him….
Thor knocks at Jane’s apartment and the door is opened by her new roommate, Tana Nile. The exotic woman has a strange aura about her which causes Thor to fall to his knees instinctively. Once Tana is gone, Thor comes to the point of his visit: he offers to shed his godhood and live as an ordinary mortal for love of Jane. He intends to return to Asgard immediately to inform his father Odin of this decision. The spying Tana sees Thor as a threat to her plans and determines he must never return to Earth….
Thor arrives on the Rainbow Bridge to be met by Balder who was just heading out to find him on Odin’s orders. Brought into the presence of the All-Father, Thor is reminded that this is the Day of the Three Worlds. On this day, the God of Thunder must wait in Limbo until the Winds of the World summon him to do battle for another….
Back in Olympus, Hercules desperately seeks someone willing to fight on his behalf: Ares, God of War, refuses, and Hermes is rushing away too fast to hear Herc’s pleas. Realizing his moment has arrived, Herc approaches Pluto, who summons his legions to surround the hapless hero and escort him to his new throne in the Netherworld. At his moment in Limbo, Thor hears the call: he is to fight to rescue Hercules! The Thunder God arrives in Olympus where he sees Herc being dragged down below; he then steps forward to silence the gloating Pluto with a challenge….