Following the tracking device they embedded in Captain America's costume, the S.H.I.E.L.D. heli-carrier arrives at the World Party headquarters. Nick Fury prepares his agents for the upcoming battle against the group of neo-Nazis.
Inside the abandoned church, Cap takes out the squad of World Party mercenaries as well as Master Man. The Red Skull realizes that he's outgunned and leaves. Cap then turns his attention to the dying Sam Wilson. Wilson now insists that Cap go after the Skull. In desperation he cuts his hand with his shield and allows Wilson to swallow some of his blood. His hope is that the super-solider serum will keep Wilson alive long enough for medical treatment.
Master Man leaves the cell and makes his way to the armory. He sees Rikki Barnes tied to the missile headed for Los Angeles and prepares to launch it. Cap arrives in the nick of time and frees Rikki, who in turn steals the master control unit for the missiles. A revived and invigorated Sam Wilson appears and helps Cap defeat Master Man once and for all.
Fury arrives to arrest Master Man and any other members of the World Party. He informs Cap that the Red Skull managed to escape.
There is an non-verbal understanding between Fury and Rogers. Despite their differing attitudes on the situation, they can't argue about the results. They just saved the world from nuclear armageddon.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Bucky (
Rikki Barnes).