Invincible Iron Man (1998 series) #78 synopsis by
T Vernon
The F-16 fighters have spotted the crashing transport plane but they are targeted by missiles from the buggy defense system installed around Washington. Iron Man arrives to shoot down the missiles and has the jets divert them away from the transport. One of the jets is damaged and Shellhead guides it safely down to a landing in the Tidal Basin. Tony unlocks the missiles’ security codes and has them self-destruct. He boards the plummeting transport and discovers the prototype Iron Man suits, stolen by Sonny Burch. He has the crew members don the armor and dive overboard, controlling their descent to the ground. Iron Man gets under the plane and takes it down into the reflecting pool between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. He crawls from the wreckage to find the armored crew members saluting him….
In the hospital the next day, Tony is visited by Chief of Staff Stu Conrad, who fills him in on the aftermath of the disaster, including Sonny Burch’s suicide and the examination of all equipment he had used. He also informs Tony that after Iron Man’s heroic actions, the Senate reconsidered its vote and President George W. Bush enters to tell him he is the new Secretary of Defense….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: President George W. Bush (