Uncanny Avengers (2015 series) #9 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
We open in New Orleans as Rogue resolves a nagging suspicion. She interrupts Gambit waiting to steal a painting from an auction house. Anna Marie wants to know if Remy was in Bagalia recently. When he says no she has no option but to accept that it was Red Skull in telepathic disguise that she almost kissed in #5. Gambit offers to help if they get a lead on the Skull, because of what he did to Charles Xavier's dead body to steal his abilities. On the way out Rogue sets off an alarm to ruin his chances of doing the robbery.
Captain America contacts her to intercept a Soyuz capsule that's having problems with re-entry to the atmosphere, after hitting something. But someone else slows the capsule down before she reaches it. When Rogue reaches the landing site she finds the saviour (and the cause of the accident?) is Henry Pym's head atop the body of Ultron. Hank says he's in charge of the merger, but Rogue isn't totally convinced.
The newly-youthful Steve Rogers is back in action as Cap (but with a triangular shield). He and Deadpool are rooting out some anti-Inhuman terrorists who have taken over a wildlife sanctuary. They've finished when Rogue calls to say she's joining them. She uses a code to indicate trouble, so Cap calls in the rest of the Unity Squad.
When Rogue and Pym/Ultron arrive and Dr Voodoo teleports the rest of the team in, Cable in particular doesn't trust Pym's claim to be in control of the evil robot. Cap tells Hank to take the suit off so they can check it out. Henry shows that this is impossible - he unfurls the armour partially so the can see there's very little of his body left.
Pym restores the armour, this time enclosing even his head in an Ultron mask, and jets off to Avengers Mansion. Rogers sends Rogue to follow him, and Voodoo 'ports the others back to their HQ in an abandoned theatre.
Synapse could detect brain activity from the combo, but couldn't really say how human it was. Cap tells Cable to devise a way to stop Ultron without killing Pym. Jericho Drumm wonders if Hank could really have tamed the robot. He recalls how they merged in the Rage Of Ultron GN (despite the fact he wasn't there) - Ultron was in control then, but was affected. Cap just wants to be prepared for any eventuality.
1 of those preparations is to ring Janet Van Dyne to tell her that her ex-husband is back - sort of.
Ultrym (Pultron?) and Rogue have reached the Mansion, and he's disgusted to find that it's been turned into a theme park since they were forced to sell it. Rogue takes him to his own memorial statue. Hank is bitter that the Avengers didn't follow Ultron into space to try to rescue him. He destroys the monument because he isn't dead. Then declares that act stupid but fun. Rogue is starting to warm to him.