Comic Book: Immortal Thor

A new volume of Thor, written by Al Ewing, author of IMMORTAL HULK.

Data Sheet:
Aug 2023 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.



(Loki Laufeyson)
Plus: Dario Agger (Minotaur).
Immortal Thor #1
Immortal Thor #1

(Aug 2023)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 16

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Immortal Thor #1
4.5 stars

Immortal Thor #1

August 2023
"All Weather Turns to Storm"
Script: Al Ewing
In a blizzard, the wizard Skrymir leads the Frost Giants to invade Asgard. There is a tense standoff with the Warriors Four (Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Hildegarde). [...]
Immortal Thor #2
4 stars

Immortal Thor #2

September 2023
"The Wisdom of the Fool"
Script: Al Ewing
Flashback: Odin stands before the world-tree Yggdrasil. He sacrifices an eye to gain the tree’s wisdom. The tree responds with a parable: “The story always changes. The meaning always remains. There is always a sacrifice. Always a cost. For the winter to end. For spring to come again. [...]
Immortal Thor #3
4 stars

Immortal Thor #3

October 2023
"The Riddle of Raidho"
Script: Al Ewing
Thor awakens from the All-Sleep refreshed, with a beard, and placed in an exotic alien landscape. He calls for Loki and spins Mjolnir so he can be transported back to Asgard or Midgard. [...]
Immortal Thor #4
5 stars

Immortal Thor #4

November 2023
"To Possess the Power of Thor"
Script: Al Ewing
Toranos is coming, inexorably… …and seen by Sif, guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. This was at the request of Beta Ray Bill, to confirm Loki’s summons from Thor, Bill wonders if he is still worthy to aid Thor…. [...]
Immortal Thor #5
4.5 stars

Immortal Thor #5

December 2023
"Caveat Emptor"
Script: Al Ewing
Prologue: Millennia ago, the Demiurge created gods who fought among themselves for power. But Gaia had a vision of a different cycle and so… … Toranos has returned to Earth to face the new Thor Corps, assembled by Thor Odinson. [...]
Immortal Thor #6
4 stars

Immortal Thor #6

January 2024
"The Teller of the Tale"
Script: Al Ewing
Thor and Loki sit together as the latter conjures up a yew-fire to see a tale from Thor’s past. He must confront his mother Gaia about her deal with the Elder Gods and he needs to know the truth before he sees her…. [...]
Immortal Thor #7
4 stars

Immortal Thor #7

February 2024
"All Trials are One"
Script: Al Ewing
Loki continues his tale with Thor… Thor and Loki come upon the giant Skrymir’s home: Utgardhall which they must enter by crawling under the door. Inside they meet a flaming giant who calls himself Utgard-Loki. [...]
Immortal Thor #8
4 stars

Immortal Thor #8

March 2024
"The Last Judgment"
Script: Al Ewing
Thor enters a cave on the perilous coast of Norway and demands to see his mother Gaia. A tunnel opens and he descends into Earth until he finds her, a giant hag-like creature who sits in a pool and whose face is covered with tendrils of vegetation. [...]
Immortal Thor #9
4 stars

Immortal Thor #9

April 2024
"The Land of Lost Content"
Script: Al Ewing
Thor, having learned that his mother Gaia has unleashed the Elder Gods to judge humanity, has taken it upon himself to be a kinder, gentler change agent. To that end, he crashes into the office of Dario “the Minotaur” Agger, CEO of Roxxon, to challenge him. [...]
Immortal Thor #10
4 stars

Immortal Thor #10

May 2024
"Getting the Ax"
Script: Al Ewing
Having just read Roxxon’s Thor comic book (see our review here), Thor is attacked by the Roxxon Thor and finds he can think only in cliched comebacks. [...]
Immortal Thor #11
4 stars

Immortal Thor #11

May 2024
"God of Doom"
Script: Al Ewing
From Asgard, Thor speaks to Captain America (Sam Wilson) in the Impossible City. Sam Cap tells Thor not to worry about the accusations of murder against him (last issue) but to stick with the team when he’s on Midgard. [...]
Immortal Thor #12
3.5 stars

Immortal Thor #12

June 2024
"The End of All Songs"
Script: Al Ewing
Tyr is possessed by Oblivion. The rest of Odin’s children have been sent into opposite directions to find him…. The team consisting of Thor, Angela, Loki, and Balder emerge from a Skinner Box onto an unknown landscape. [...]
Immortal Thor #13
4 stars

Immortal Thor #13

July 2024
"The Vengeance of the Gods"
Script: Al Ewing
Thor arrives in the Greek Islands to be greeted by his old friend Hercules at the ruined Sanctuary of Hercules. Thor explains that his enemies have placed an enchantment on him that slows his wits, making him stupid at times, asking for Herc’s help in managing it. [...]
Immortal Thor #14
4 stars

Immortal Thor #14

August 2024
"The Wheel"
Script: Al Ewing
 In the ancient past, Rhea, wife of Cronus, complains to Gaea of the curse that Cronus would be killed by his offspring, leading him to devour his children as they are born. This curse came from Cronus’ father Ouranos as he was slain by his son, doing the bidding of Gaea. [...]
Immortal Thor #15
4 stars

Immortal Thor #15

September 2024
"Return of the King"
Script: Al Ewing
A scientist enters a lab and goes to work, which will be explained at the end…. Thor has drained Zeus’ power, increasing his own. A concerned Hercules pleads with Nyx to take some of the power to save Thor’s life; she insists it’s not her problem and vanishes back to her realm. [...]
Immortal Thor #16
4 stars

Immortal Thor #16

October 2024
"Fire and Stone"
Script: Al Ewing
An odd opening talks about the gods and how the first one was a man of fire, the original Human Torch…. Chen Lu, the Radioactive Man, arrives at the airport. The driver sent to pick him up is nervous and asks if he is safe. RM assures him he’s a good guy, misunderstanding his concern. [...]
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