Wandering through China, soldiers who can only annoy him attack Hulk. Tired of fighting, Hulk leaves and discovers a missile about to be launched. China wants to use it against the US, and Hulk thinks it is an easy way out. Hulk grabs the missile from its tail as it launches. The Hulk’s weight affects the weapon’s trajectory, crashing in Antarctica soil.
The blast opens a hole that takes Ol’Greenskin to the hidden land of Ka-Zar. On such fertile land, tension eases and Hulk changes into an unconscious Bruce Banner.
A tribe called the Swamp Men captures Banner and tries offering him as a sacrifice to the gods. Ka-Zar sees this and saves Bruce.
When Banner awakes, Ka-Zar tells him about a mysterious device. Bruce discovers that the machine’s purpose is to alter the Earth’s rotation around its axis, which could mean the end of the world.
Suddenly, the Swamp Men attack using sleepy gas. But Bruce turns into the Hulk, and defeats them easily.
Ka-Zar tries convincing the Hulk to halt the machine, but the Green Giant knocks him out!
Also in this story: Thunderbolt Ross, Zabu.