After arriving on a distant planet, the Hulk begins a tremendous battle with the Galaxy Master.
The Galaxy Master has forced the people of the planet to serve, but amid the Hulk’s battle, the planet’s ruler, a princess, leads her people in a rebellion against the Galaxy Master.
Manifesting in many forms, one of which is gas, the Galaxy Master is a vast mass of energy. The planet Warlord, the princess’ uncle, sabotages her attempt at a rebellion hoping to become ruler and warlord. The Galaxy Master is beaming the princess inside of his energy mass when the Hulk leaps up into the beam and inside the bowels of the Galaxy Master.
The Hulk goes on a rampage inside the Galaxy Master, eventually discovering and destroying the central mass that is controlling the Galaxy Master.
While fleeing after his failed attempts to gain power, the warlord falls into a fisher and dies.
Seeking to rebuild their planet on their own, the princess sends the Hulk back to Earth on a ship. Part way into the journey home, the Hulk turns into Bruce Banner and gets crushed by the enormous cabin pressure on the ship!