Comic Browser:


The X-Men #116

Dec 1978
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

To Save the Savage Land


The X-Men #116 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

After discovering last issue that Garokk’s erected city was upsetting the ecological balance of the Savage Land, Ka-Zar leads the X-Men up a snowy mountain to get a better look at the fortress. Soon after they reach the top, the X-Men are ambushed by some of Garokk’s guards riding flying creatures. Storm flies around the creatures, still too weak from Sauron’s attack last issue, and Nightcrawler teleports out to assist her. Though the X-Men fight valiantly, the tide soon turns against them. Cyclops is hit from behind and snatched, and soon after Colossus, Banshee, and Ka-Zar are also nabbed and captured by Garokk’s forces. Wolverine pledges that he and the remaining X-Men will storm the city and rescue their teammates. First though, Wolverine has a little chat with Zabu, Ka-Zar’s sabretooth companion, and sends him back to gather reinforcements.

Wolverine, Storm, and Nightcrawler then make their way down the mountain and into the city. Wolverine “takes care” of a guard they come upon along the way, much to Storm and Nightcrawler’s horror. Eventually, they come upon the sewage area and Wolverine tells Nightcrawler to scout ahead. No sooner does he say that though, when a dinosaur rounds the corner and chomps down on Wolverine’s arm. Wolverine extends his claws, silencing the creature and revealing that he heals quickly when Storm expresses concern. More raptors soon show up and Storm calls up a small flash flood to wash them away.

The trio finally arrive at the vast main arena, where Garokk and Zaladane have the others and are planning to sacrifice them. While the others are tied up to the side, Colossus is bound in the midst of a magma pit and briefly wonders if he’ll start to melt if this goes on for much longer. Nightcrawler then teleports to the dais from way out on the outskirt of the massive dome, much farther than he’s ever teleported before, and frees Cyclops’ eyes, allowing Scott to free the others. The X-Men fight back against the guards while Garokk decides to flee, with Cyclops giving chase. Cyclops chases Garokk to the top of the dome, where Garokk is able to recharge himself with the dome’s energy generators. This leads to a duel of eye beams as both fire their beams at each other, with Cyclops making sure to parry Garokk’s beam precisely with his own, lest he be sent flying off the dome.

Cyclops and Garokk’s struggle rages on, but the pure energy being expended is causing the dome to collapse in on itself. Eventually, the dome completely crumbles, sending Cyclops and Garokk both hurtling down into the city’s thermal shaft. Banshee catches Cyclops while Storm flies down to save Garokk. She nearly reaches him when she inadvertently hesitates, and a rock slams into her shoulder, causing Garokk to plummet to the depths below. The others make it out of the crumbling city before realizing that Storm is still in there. She flies out in the nick of time and lands apart from the others, to ruminate on her failure to save Garokk, with Wolverine wisely saying that this is something she needs to work out on her own. A couple weeks later, the X-Men finally prepare to head out of the Savage Land, saying farewell to Karl Lykos before they do. The X-Men head out on a raft, only to be caught in a huge winter gale, stuck in the middle of the ocean in the midst of the worst storm in a hundred years! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #116 Review by (July 17, 2024)

Review: After the rather exposition heavy previous issue, this issue makes up for it in spades, with some phenomenal action, beautifully rendered as always by John Byrne. Each X-Man gets a little something to do this issue (except for Banshee really). There are a couple of particularly important revelations regarding Wolverine, specifically the first explicit mention of his quick healing. Sure, he had clearly survived and healed from some nasty stuff before this, but this is the first actual mention of it as one of his powers. He also mentions that his bones are hard to break, though no more specifics are given. If they already had the adamantium skeleton idea in mind, it must have popped up within the last few issues, as it clearly wasn’t the case when they fought Magneto. Byrne’s influence on Wolverine is really starting to be felt, as he just keeps getting cooler and more layered with each passing issue.

Aside from that, Wolvie, Storm, and Nightcrawler get to save the rest, who get captured, with Nightcrawler teleporting farther than he ever has so far, accompanied by a cool little exchange. (Wolverine: “can you teleport that far in one go?” Kurt’s thoughts: I’ve never tried it before, I don’t know what it might do to me. Kurt: “Watch me.”) Cyclops gets to have a big eye beam battle with Garokk, and Storm gets a memorable moment of failing to save Garokk, which deeply affects her. Overall, a very enjoyable, action-packed issue, even if Garokk still isn’t all that interesting as a villain. Next issue we’ll take a small detour into a specific character’s past, and it’s certainly much more interesting and far less jarring than the last time the series took a sudden detour.

Comments: First explicit mention of Wolverine’s healing ability, plus the fact that his bones are hard to break (though specifics aren’t given).

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
John Byrne (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Kevin Plunder)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Garokk, Sauron (Karl Lykos), Zaladane.