Amadeus Cho and Maddy Cho track
Bruce Banner to Baja California where they find him sick from influenza, which
he infected himself with to make sure he was free of the Hulk and his healing
powers. The Chos take him to a hidden base in New Mexico, the one Bruce had
originally created for himself in the early days of the Hulk, where they nurse
him back to health. Visitors arrive: She-Hulk and Rick Jones (bringing beer),
invited by Maddy to help Bruce (and, as will soon be revealed, to help
Amadeus). Jen and Rick are amazed to find Bruce happy. Amadeus becomes the Hulk
and locks himself inside Bruce’s vault and proves to himself that he can punch
his way out, which the original could not do; he then jumps off into the distance
and Maddy chases him down and sprays a quick-hardening goop on his. She tells
Jen and Rick about Amadeus’ blackouts, having invited them, knowing that
Amadeus wouldn’t mention it to Bruce. They end up telling him to talk to Bruce.
The two men have a talk wherein Bruce pretty much tells Amadeus that he will
have his own set of Hulk problems but at least he’s not a monster. Amadeus then
comes down with the flu and Bruce tucks him in, heading out for his new life…