Incredible Hulk, The (1968 series) #323 synopsis by
David Boeren
In the last issue, the Hulk (recently separated from Banner by Doc Samson) was defeated by the Avengers. However, in their separated state, both Banner and the Hulk's molecules are beginning to drift apart. As their bodies grow larger and less dense, physical objects can pass right through them. Concerned for Banner's life, Rick Jones calls the Vison for help. The Vision merges his body with Banner's, and by controlling his own density is able to coerce him back into a solid state. However, when he attempts to merge the Banner/Vision body with the still-incohesive Hulk form, the Vision succeeds but becomes trapped by the Hulk's rage! After a brief rampage, only Betty's love for Bruce is able to remind the Vision of his love for his own wife and give him the strength to break free and return Bruce to normal.